Is your child carrying too much in a backpack?

Article Written by : Luxury Body Jewelry

Heavy backpacks that children carry every day to school has been a concern of parents and teachers. If the backpack is poorly designed, improperly packed and worn out, chances are that it may affect your child’s health and wellbeing. Chiropractors and other healthcare specialists are seeing stress disorders, spinal instability and nerve related issues in children due to backpack use. If not treated or action taken as early as possible, conditions may affect the adulthood.

Some educators are urging legislators to take action to require redesign and control book weight, adopt maximum backpack weight limits and other remedies such as providing an extra set of books for the home. As a parent you can take some steps for backpack safety.

  • Use a backpack with wheels, if practical
  • Buy a backpack with shoulder straps and lumbar support and teach your kid to wear both
  • Place heavy items on the bottom
  • Pack only what is needed
  • Teach your child to bent at knee when lifting the backpack
  • Never allow your child to lift or carry more than 15 percent of his or her body weight in a backpack
  • When buying a backpack, make a wise investment by buying a reputable and reliable brand.