Archive for March, 2010

Help Your Shy Child Make Friends

If you have a shy child, then you probably know how uncomfortable your child gets amongst a lot of people in social settings such as in school or even the playground. If you were a shy child as well, then it would be easier to relate to them. Shy children lack largely in confidence and […]

How to Get Your Kids to Do Their Chores

Getting your kids to actually do their chores can prove to be quite a task. There will always be constant arguments about whose turn it is, and so on. The first thing you should do is put up the weekly schedule on a board. That way, everyone knows what each one’s chores are and thus, […]

Teaching Children to Sleep on Their Own

While a ‘family bed’ is considered quite normal around the world, a better option might be to teach your children to get used to sleeping in their own beds from an early age. If you find this a challenge, here are a few tips: Once you enforce the ‘sleep in your own bed’ rule, do […]

What to Do If Your Child is Bullied

Sending your child off to school is exciting. Remember though, that it could have its problems – especially at the school playground which has its fair share of bullies, bouts of teasing and mean kids. The figures also back this up quite well, with the National Education Association stating that 160,000 children miss school due […]