Measures to prevent children drowning

Now that outside weather is getting warmer and we are approaching summer, backyard pools are getting ready. Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age five. There are things we can do to prevent accidental drowning. Here are few ideas that you can easily implement.

  • Never leave your child unattended near any body of water.
  • Even if your child taking swimming lessons, don’t assume that he or she is capable to protecting themselves from drowning.
  • If your child is playing near any body of water, don’t assume any barriers such as fences or walls that are built to comply with Building Codes will protect your child. You need to comply with all other requirements such as locking gates to protect them entering the body of water.
  • Avoid placing toys that attract children near or in any body of water.
  • Inspect barriers such as fences, walls, latches and others regularly.
  • Learn emergency procedures such as CPR.
  • Place cordless phones or install phone near any body of water and have all emergency numbers posted near phones.
  • Teach kids basic prevention methods such as floating on the water but don’t rely on their knowledge for them to take care of them when they are in the water.