How to Cope When You Have a Second Child

Having a second baby is as rewarding and fulfilling as it was to have your first one. Your first born, however, might need a bit of preparation as to what should be expected. There are a lot of changes that will take place once your second child is born.

First of all, handling two children might be a bit too much to cope with at the beginning. Try to organize yourself before the second baby is born. Once it is, keep in mind, just like the last time, the time you have is going to fly by, sleeping and eating is going to change rapidly every day – while a lot of other things that will change will also depend on your older child.
Keep in mind that since you also have to care for your older child, you will get tire a lot faster than expected. The first two months after the baby is born is going to be very tiring and very demanding. It is during this time that you should work out a feeding and sleeping schedule for your infant while also checking in on your older child’s needs and emotions.

Helping Your First Child Adjust

– Let the older child pick out stuff for the new baby room.
– Find a toy that belongs to your older child that he might like to share with his new brother/sister.
– Perhaps you could get your older child a special chair he can sit on while you feed the baby.
– Special time with just you and your older child is very important, even if it means a trip to the grocery store. At these times, your partner can take over the baby.
– Read stories, play games and watch movies that will help your first born understand the new addition to the family.
– Prepare your child for the change. Explain that the new baby will cry a lot and sleep a lot and needs a lot of attention. Assure him/ her that even though the new baby will be around, you will still have time for him and that you love him.
– Give your older child a bit of responsibility as the ‘big’ brother/sister.
– During the arrival of the new baby, try not to change too many things in your older child’s life. Keeping things the way they used to be will help in a big way.